Custom-Cal has a high success rate in repairing Agilent 86140B, 86141B, 86142B, 86146B Optical Spectrum Analyzers. We specialize in quick turnaround times and we can handle expedited deliveries upon request.
The Agilent 86140B, 86141B, 86142B, 86146B are benchtop OSA's. They use a patented double-pass monochromator design to simultaneously achieve high sensitivity and dynamic range with a fast sweep time. This is key for characterizing DWDM components and multiple channel systems, especially in a manufacturing environment where speed, accuracy, and throughput are critical.

Warning or errors reported by OSA.
1000 "Sensitivity forced to Auto"
  Sensitivity has been forced to the Auto setting because another instrument setting was made which does not permit sensitivity to be in the Manual setting
1001 "Old Mezzanine board in system"
  This OSA has an old mezzanine board installed. It is not necessary to upgrade the mezzanine board but the software will not be able to correctly determine which light source options are available.
1002 "No Delta Marker Amplitude for"
  The delta marker amplitude display has been turned off due to a units mismatch. The amplitude units of the reference marker are different than those of the delta marker. Values in differing units cannot be compared
1003 "Trace length increased"
  Trace length has been increased because the wavelength limit function was turned off. The minimum trace length is larger when the wavelength limit function is off and trace length was below the new minimum value.
2999 "The Notices list has overflowed"
  The Notices list has overflowed. The last entries received have been deleted.
5000 "AutoMeasure cannot find an input signal"
  The auto-measure procedure cannot find a usable input signal. Make sure you have a signal connected to the optical input. Auto-measure will not work with very small input signals. They must be measured manually.
5001 "AutoAlign cannot find an input signal"
  The auto-align procedure cannot find a usable input signal. Make sure you have a signal connected to the optical input.
5002 "Cal aborted: there is no active marker"
  A wavelength calibration using the wavelength of the active marker was requested. The calibration cannot be made because all markers are turned off. Place a marker on the calibration signal and try again.
5003 "Cal aborted: trace resolution is inadequate"
  A wavelength calibration using the wavelength of the active marker was requested. The calibration cannot be done because the resolution of the marker’s trace is inadequate. Trace resolution is defined as wavelength span divided by (trace points – 1) and must be less than 10pm. This problem can be corrected by one or more of the following steps:
  1. Reduce wavelength span
  2. Increase number of trace points
5004 "Cal aborted: wavelength correction too large"
  A wavelength calibration was requested. The calibration was aborted since the correction needed is larger than 2nm. Make sure you have the correct index of refraction set. If the wavelength error is still this large the OSA may need to be serviced. The wavelength calibration function is not intended to apply large arbitrary offsets. Use the wavelength offset function for this purpose.
5005 "Cal aborted: amplitude correction too large"
  An amplitude calibration was requested. The calibration was aborted since the correction needed is more than +3dB or less than –10dB. Make sure you have done an Auto-Align prior to calibration. If the amplitude error is still this large the OSA may need to be serviced. The amplitude calibration function is not intended to apply large arbitrary offsets. Use the amplitude offset function for this purpose.
5006 "Cal aborted: cannot find an input signal"
  The calibration procedure cannot find an input signal close enough to the wavelength and/or amplitude specified. Make sure the wavelength and/or amplitude specified for calibration are correct and verify that an input signal of the correct wavelength and/or amplitude is connected to the optical input.
5007 "Calibration aborted: signal disappeared"
  The calibration procedure found a signal which subsequently disappeared. Make sure the calibration signal is connected to the optical input and try again.
5008 "Calibration was not successful"
  The requested calibration procedure did not complete successfully. Verify the instrument setup and the presence of a valid calibration signal. This problem can sometimes be caused by removing or changing the amplitude of the calibration signal during the calibration procedure. In rare cases this error can occur after the OSA has received a severe mechanical shock. Try running AutoAlign.
5009 "I/O error"
  An error occurred while processing an input/output request.
5010 "The floppy disk is full"
  There is not enough free space left on the floppy disk to contain the new file(s). Either make room on the existing floppy by deleting unwanted files or try a different floppy disk.
5011 "There is no disk in the floppy disk drive"
  An operation was requested which uses the floppy disk. There is no disk detected in the floppy disk drive. If there is a disk in the drive it may be of a format which cannot be read. This problem can be fixed by inserting a disk in the floppy disk drive or replacing the current disk with one which is properly formatted.
5012 "The floppy disk is not formatted"
  An operation was requested which uses the floppy disk. The disk currently in the drive does not appear to be formatted. Use the format utility to format the disk or replace it with a formatted disk.
5013 "The floppy disk is write protected"
  An operation was requested which writes to the floppy disk. The disk currently in the drive is write-protected. Turn off write protection on the current floppy disk or replace it with another disk.
5014 "The internal memory is full"
  An operation was requested which uses internal memory. There is not enough free space left in internal memory for this operation. You must make room by deleting one or more files.
5015 "Up/down keys will not alter the span when it is zero"
  The up/down step keys may not be used to alter the span setting when it is zero. A non-zero numeric value must be entered for span in order to leave zero span mode.
5016 "Incompatible measurement file"
  An attempt was made to recall a measurement file which is incompatible with the current version of software.
5017 "The requested file does not exist"
  An attempt was made to access a file which does not exist. Check the spelling of the file name against the listing of available files.
5020–5030 "I/O Error"
  An unexpected error occurred during the I/O operation. Please try the operation again. If the operation involves the floppy disk drive, try a different floppy disk. If the error persists, repair is needed.
5031 "Could not initialize floppy"
  A request was made to initialize a floppy disk. The operation did not succeed. Check to see that there is a floppy disk inserted in the drive and that the disk is not write protected. This can also be caused by a defective floppy disk.
5032–5043 "I/O Error"
  An unexpected error occurred during the I/O operation. Please try the operation again. If the operation involves the floppy disk drive, try a different floppy disk. If the error persists, repair is needed.
5044 "Please cycle power to synchronize system time"
  Timeout while waiting for laser diode (16) and thermopositioner (64) to settle while preparing optical zero measurement, waiting for thermopositioner
5045 "Sweep limit markers too close together"
  The sweep limit function is on and the line markers are too close together. The OSA cannot limit the sweep range to such a small value. The current sweep may be using a wider range than requested. Move the line markers farther apart or turn off sweep limit to resolve this problem.
5046 "AutoAlign cannot find input signal at marker"
  The auto-align procedure could not find a usable input signal. If there is an active marker auto-align will attempt to align at the marker wavelength without searching for a signal peak. This error can also occur if the input signal amplitude is very low or if the OSA has received a large mechanical shock or if the input signal is removed after the auto-align procedure has begun. Be sure a signal is connected to the optical input. If there is an active marker make sure it is placed on the input signal or turn off all markers.
5047 "Signal disappeared during AutoAlign"
  The auto-align procedure did not complete. The input signal disappeared during the auto-align procedure. Make sure the input signal is connected to the optical input and try again.
5048 "Wrong trace X axis units for peak to center"
  The peak-to-center function was requested. This function will only execute if the active trace X axis has units of meters (um nm pm). Change the active trace to one with an X axis in meters or re-measure the active trace in a non-zero span.
5049 "Wrong marker X axis units for active trace"
  The active marker cannot be placed on the active trace because the desired X axis units do not match the X axis units of the active trace. This is normally caused by recalling a wavelength trace in zero span or a zero span trace in a wavelength span. It can also be caused by loading a trace with conflicting units by remote control.
5050 "Trace not displayed: wrong X axis units"
  View has been turned on for this trace but it cannot be displayed. The X axis units in the trace do not match the X axis units being displayed. This is normally caused by trying to view a wavelength trace in zero span or a zero span trace in a wavelength span. It can also be caused by loading a trace with conflicting units by remote control.
5051 "AutoMeasure cannot find input signal at marker"
  The auto-measure function was requested. The auto-measure at marker option was enabled but the active marker was not placed on a valid signal. A valid signal was found but the active marker is too far from that signal. To correct this problem, place the marker on the desired signal turn off all markers or disable the auto-measure at marker function.
5052 "Sweep time auto is not allowed in zero span"
  The sweep time function was requested to switch from manual to auto while in zero span. Automatic sweep time coupling cannot be done in zero span. The desired sweep time must be set explicitly.
5053 "Noise marker not allowed."
  A request was made to enable the noise marker readout. The readout cannot be enabled for one of the following reasons. Noise markers cannot be used on traces which have X axis units other than meters. This typically occurs in zero span where the X axis units are seconds. Noise markers cannot be used on traces which have Y axis units other than power. This typically happens when trace math is on and the trace Y axis represents a ratio.
5054 "Bandwidth markers are not allowed in zero span"
  A request was made to enable the bandwidth marker readout while the OSA was in zero span. Bandwidth markers are not permitted when span is set to zero. If a bandwidth marker readout is required set span to a value greater than zero.
5055 "Firmware Upgrade was not successful"
  A firmware upgrade operation was requested. The firmware upgrade operation cannot be done at this time due to an internal software problem. Repair is needed.
5056 "Trajectory align cannot find input signal"
  The trajectory align procedure cannot find a usable input signal. Make sure you have a signal connected to the optical input.
5057 "Invalid settings for trajectory align"
  The external trajectory align function was requested. It cannot be executed because the start and/or stop wavelength settings are invalid. Start and stop wavelengths must be between 600nm and 1700nm. In addition the difference between start and stop wavelengths (span) must be greater than 25nm. To correct this problem, adjust the start and/or stop wavelength settings to be valid.
5058 "Out of memory"
  The OSA has run out of execution memory. An internal function was aborted due to lack of execution memory. The correction for this problem is to cycle power.
5059 "Trajectory align: marginal input signal"
  The trajectory align procedure was aborted due to an input signal with marginal amplitude. The input signal was large enough when the function began it’s operation but later became too small. This usually happens when the signal is on the edge of being too small. To correct this problem increase the input signal level. If this is not possible then a slight increase in signal level can sometimes be achieved by cleaning optical fiber connectors.
5060 "Trajectory align failed"
  The trajectory align procedure failed. The trajectory adjustments computed were invalid. This is usually occurs after the OSA has received a large mechanical shock. To correct this problem try the trajectory align procedure again. If the error persists, contact the Agilent support center nearest your location.
5061 "Invalid marker trace"
  The marker could not be positioned. The marker is on a trace which does not contain any valid data. This is sometimes caused by a trace math result which is invalid.
5062 "ADC Triggered Sweep Too Fast"
  A sweep was taken with one of the ADC trigger modes enabled. The sweep rate was too fast to allow trace data to be acquired for every wavelength. To resolve this problem increase sweep time or increase the frequency the external trigger input signal.
5063 "Key disabled during applications"
  The key you pressed is not active while an application is running. Exiting the application should re-enable the key.
5064 "Invalid measurement file"
  An attempt was made to recall a measurement file which is contains invalid or corrupt data.
5065 "Error detected in DSP sub-system"
  The Digital Signal Processor has reported an unexpected error. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with the error and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
5066 "Error in Enhanced Wavelength Calibration"
  Enhanced Wavelength Calibration failed. Check OSA system. If the error persists, repair is needed.
5067 "OSNR marker not allowed."
  A request was made to enable the OSNR marker readout. The readout cannot be enabled for one of the following reasons: OSNR markers cannot be used on traces which have X axis units other than meters. This typically occurs in zero span where the X axis units are seconds. OSNR marks cannot be used on traces which have Y axis units other than power. this typically happens when trace math is on and the trace Y axis represents a ratio.
5068 "The configured SHARE does not exist."
  A request was made to a remote file or printer share that does not exist or cannot be found.
5069 "The configured SHARE cannot be accessed."
  A request was made to a remote file or printer share that cannot be accessed using the configured USER, PASSWORD, or DOMAIN/WORKGROUP.
5070 "Trajectory add failed."
  The trajectory add procedure failed. This usually occurs when the trajectory table is full or the computed trajectory table is invalid. The correct this problem, try AUTO ALIGN PRESET and the AUTO ALIGN & ADD TO TRAJECTORY procedure again. If the error persists, repair is needed.
6700 "Math expression input parameter undefined."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because one or more input arguments are undefined. Please check the spelling of all input arguments.
6701 "Math expression input parameter has error."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because an error is present on one or more of the input arguments. The error must be cleared before the expression can be evaluated.
6702 "Math expression parameter has zero length."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because one or more input arguments has a zero length. This is often caused when the subset of a trace contains no points such as when advanced line marker functions are turned on and the line markers are too close together. It can also be caused when peak/pit searches find no peaks or pits.
6720 "Math expression input parameter has error."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because of improper input arguments. This could be due to one or more input arguments having the wrong type or size or because one or more inputs are not defined.
6721 "Internal error in marker search"
  A marker search function has failed due to an internal software problem. Please try the operation again. If the error persists, repair is needed.
6722 "Math expression input cannot be boolean."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because one or more of the input arguments is boolean. This function does not allow boolean input arguments.
6723 "Trace X axis values do not match."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the input arguments have differing X axis values. This function requires that all input arguments have identical X axis values. All trace inputs must be taken with identical start/stop settings.
6724 "Error in source trace"
  The source trace has an error. The error may possibly be that the source trace contains no points. Please try the operation again. If the error persists, repair is needed.
6725 "Trace lengths do not match."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the inputs have differing sizes (trace lengths). All inputs to this function must be of the same size.
6726 "Trace lengths do not match."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the inputs have differing sizes (trace lengths). All inputs to this function must be of the same size.
6727 "Y axis counts do not match."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the inputs have differing numbers of Y axis data. All input arguments to this function must have the same number of Y axis data points.
6728 "Incorrect number of inputs for math expression"
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the number of input arguments to the function is incorrect.
6729 "Math expression expects units of dBm."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the input argument does not have the required Y axis units of dBm.
6730 "Math expression expects units of watts."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the input argument does not have the required Y axis units of watts.
6731 "Illegal combination of trace Y axis units"
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the combination of Y axis units in the input arguments do not make sense. For example it is valid to divide watts by watts or to divide watts by a unitless value but it is invalid to divide a unitless value by watts.
6732 "Illegal combination of trace X axis units"
  A math expression could not be evaluated because the input arguments have differing X axis units. All input arguments must have identical X axis units. This commonly happens when trace math is attempted between a zero span trace (time units) and a non-zero span trace (wavelength units).
6733 "Invalid combination of Y axis units"
  A math expression could not be evaluated because of an invalid combination of Y axis units. The math operation being performed only allows one of the arguments to have units. All other arguments must be unitless. The math operator is shown in parenthesis in the short message above. For example multiplying a trace in watts (dBm) by another trace in watts (dBm) is not permitted.
6734 "Too many inputs have Y axis units"
  A math expression could not be evaluated because of an invalid combination of inputs. Only one input argument is allowed to have non-blank Y axis units.
6735 "Trace has too many Y axes"
  A math expression could not be evaluated because of an invalid input. One of the arguments contains multiple sets of Y data. Only one set of Y data is allowed for this math function.
6736 "Math expression expects boolean inputs."
  A math expression could not be evaluated because of an invalid input. The math function requires all of it’s arguments to be boolean. At least one of the arguments is not boolean.
6737 "Invalid math constant"
  During evaluation of a math expression an invalid constant was encountered. The constant has undefined or default settings for it’s X and/or Y values.
6738 "Out of memory"
  A trace or math operation was requested. There is insufficient memory available to perform the operation. Try reducing trace length or cycle power.
6739 "Too many peaks or pits"
  A marker search operation was requested. There are too many valid pits or peaks in the current trace. Reduce the number of valid pits or peaks by increasing the peak or pit excursion setting.
6741 "Constant with multiple Y values"
  During evaluation of a math expression a constant was encountered which contains more than one Y value. Constants are only permitted to have one Y value.
6742 "Requested amplitude not found"
  A math expression to search for a specific amplitude in a trace did not succeed. There are no trace points with the desired amplitude.
6744 "Excursion should be in dB"
  The units for the excursion are not in dB.
6745 "Log of a negative number is not allowed."
  During evaluation of a math expression the logarithm of a negative number was encountered.
6746 "Math expression contains a circular reference."
  A new math expression was entered. The expression was rejected because it would create a circular reference. For example if trace math for trace C is set to (A-B) then setting trace math for trace B to (C+D) would create a circular reference.
6747 "Next peak not found"
  A next-peak search was requested. There are no more peaks on the current marker’s trace in the requested direction. To find additional peaks reduce the marker peak excursion setting or adjust sensitivity.
6748 "Next pit not found"
  A next-pit search was requested. There are no more pits on the current marker’s trace in the requested direction. To find additional pits reduce the marker pit excursion setting or adjust sensitivity.
6749 "Peak not found"
  A peak search was requested. There are no valid peaks on the current marker’s trace. Try decreasing the marker peak excursion setting or adjust the sensitivity setting.
6750 "Pit not found"
  A pit search was requested. There are no valid pits on the current marker’s trace. Try decreasing the marker pit excursion setting or adjust the sensitivity setting.
6751 "Trace has no centroid"
  The trace has no centroid. This may occur because the sum of trace points’ amplitudes is zero or there a no trace points.
6752 "The reference point is outside trace bounds"
  The reference point’s wavelength is either too small or too large. The reference point will be clipped to a trace endpoint.
6753 "The window specified is invalid."
  The window specified is invalid. The window should be a constant.
6754 "Search failed: no data"
  A marker search operation was requested. After clipping the trace data to screen limits and line marker limits (if enabled) there was no data to search. This can be caused when all trace data points are beyond current X axis screen limits or when there are no trace data points between the line markers. Trace data values which exceed the current Y axis screen limits will not cause this problem. Adjust the current X axis screen limits and/or move the line markers to include at least one trace data point.
6755 "Attempt to divide by 0"
  At least one point was attempted to be divided by 0. The result for these divisions has been set to not-a-number. Please realize that further calculations with not-a-number values are undefined.
6756 "Syntax error; bad token: "
  The grammar expression entered cannot be parsed. Please check the string entered. The bad token attempts to indicate where the error occurred. The end of line indicates that the OSA expected more information. Please consult the manual for additional help.
7998 "Unknown error detected"
  An unlisted error was reported by the instrument software. If the error persists, repair is needed.
7999 "The warning list has overflowed"
  The Warning list has overflowed. The last entries received have been deleted.

20001 "Error detected in ADC sub-system"
  An error has been detected in the Analog-to-Digital converter subsystem. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with the error and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
20002 "Error detected in slit positioning system"
  An error has been detected in the motor which controls the resolution bandwidth slit wheel. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with the error and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
20003 "Error detected in grating positioning system"
  An error has been detected in the motor which controls the diffraction grating. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with the error and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
20004 "Monochromator calibration data is invalid"
  Factory calibration data for the monochromator is invalid. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with the error and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
20005 "Trans-Impedance calibration data is invalid"
  Factory calibration data for the trans-impedance amplifier is invalid. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with the error and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
20006 "Monochromator flatness calibration data is invalid"
  Factory flatness data for the monochromator is invalid. Please record the hexadecimal number listed with the error and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
20007 "Sweep Timeout"
  A sweep was started but did not finish in the expected amount of time. The trace data acquired during this sweep may not be valid. Try taking another Sweep. If the error persists, repair is needed.
21999 "The Error list has overflowed"
  The Error list has overflowed. The last entries received have been deleted.
30000 "Internal Communications Error"
  An internal software error has occurred involving communications between different software processes. Please record this error including the extra text and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.
30001 "Auto-Measure Software Error"
  An error has been detected in the auto-measure software. There is an internal problem with the software. Please make a note of the text in parentheses at the end of the error message and cycle power. If the error persists, repair is needed.

Instrument Options: Options 002, 004, and 005 are exclusive
001 Current Source
002 White Light Source
004 Built-in 1310 & 1550 nm EELED Source
005 Built-in 1550 nm EELED Source
006 Wavelength Calibrator
025 Multimode Fiber Input
Description of Model 
Standard performance Optical Spectrum Analyzer, 9/125 um optical input
• Wavelength Range: 600 nm to 1700 nm
• Wavelength Reproducibility <= 1 min: ±0.002 nm
• Wavelength Span Range: 0.2 nm to full range and zero span
• Wavelength Absolute Accuracy: ±0.5 nm
• Wavelength Span Linearity: 1525 nm - 1570 nm, ±0.01 nm
• Wavelength Span Linearity: for spans <40 nm, ±0.02 nm
• Maximum Sensitivity (1250-1610 nm): –90 dBm
• Maximum Sweep Rate: 40 nm/56.3 ms
• Max Measurement Power: +15 dBm per channel, +30 dBm total
• Dynamic Range: 70 dB
• Resolution Bandwidth: 0.06 nm, 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm, 0.3 nm, 0.5 nm,
       1 nm, 2 nm, 5 nm, 10 nm.
• Resolution Bandwidth (Opt. 025): 0.07 nm, 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm, 0.3 nm, 0.5 nm,
       1 nm, 2 nm, 5 nm, 10 nm.

I'm interested in: 
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Repair Information:
 Serial Number:

 Is there any physical damage?  
 If yes, describe:

What is the description of the problem?

How/when did the problem start?

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